About Me
Greetings! I live and work in Arlington, VA and my work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions in the US and abroad. I have also been the recipient of several grants including an Aaron Siskind Foundation Individual Photographer's Fellowship, a Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Individual Fellowship, and a Franz and Virginia Bader Fund Grant.
I’m always looking for ways to see things in a new way. From medium format black and white to abstracted still-life images of food to close-ups of people in the studio I love to explore ways to engage with and interpret the world through photography. Take my latest project as an example. For the past year or so I have been creating a series of large scale pictures using the Google Photo Sphere/Street View app to playfully bend space and time to create abstracted 360° views that reinterpret reality and are filled with a dizzying sense of wonder and mystery.